Mastering Stack
in C#: Advanced Concepts, Best Practices, and Real – World ApplicationsStack in C# : The Stack<T> class in C# is a powerful and versatile data structure designed for Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) operations. Whether you’re implementing undo functionality, parsing complex expressions, or managing recursive algorithms, Stack<T> provides an intuitive and efficient solution. In this blog, we will explore its features, practical use cases, and best practices for integrating it into your C# projects. What is a Stack? A stack is a collection that follows the LIFO principle, where the last item added is the first to be removed. Imagine a stack of plates: you add a plate to the top, and you remove the top plate first. In C#, the Stack<T> class:…
Generic Collection in C#: A Comprehensive Guide to Type-Safe and Efficient Data Management
Generic Collection in c#: Collections and Generics are essential tools that make data management in C# efficient and type-safe. They provide versatile structures and techniques for handling data dynamically, whether you’re storing, organizing, or retrieving it. This guide will walk you through the fundamentals, advanced techniques, and best practices working with collections and generics in C#, ensuring you can build robust and performant applications. 1. What Are Collections in C#? Collections are data structures designed to store and manage groups of objects. In C#, collections are broadly categorized into non-generic collections and generic collections: Learn About Singleton Design Pattern in c# Non-Generic Collections: Generic Collections: Example: Using a Generic Collection…
CSharpMaster – How to Implement Open Closed Principle in C# Example (SOLID)
Open Closed Principle in C# Example : In the world of software development, adhering to solid design principles is crucial for building robust, maintainable, and scalable systems. One of the five SOLID principles is the Open Closed Principle in c# (OCP). This principle asserts that software components (such as classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be designed to allow their behavior to be extended without requiring modifications to their existing code. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to implement the Open Closed Principle in C# with practical examples. Here we will get good understanding of OCP and how it can improve your code quality, maintainability, and scalability. Understanding the Open…
Understanding Boxing and Unboxing in C# with Examples 2025
Boxing and Unboxing in C# with Examples : Boxing and unboxing are fundamental ideas in C# that relate to how value types and reference types interacts. Understanding these principles is important for writing efficient and powerful C# code. In this blog post, we are able to explore what boxing and unboxing are, why they’re important, and provide detailed examples to demonstrate their use. What is Boxing in C#? Boxing C# is the process of converting a value type (which includes int, float, or struct) to an object type or to any interface type implemented by value type. When a value type is boxed, it’s miles wrapped inside a System.Object and…